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2012年9月 4日

Directions to our clinic

Directions to our clinic.

 'Baby and Child Clinic Be'
 32-6, Takinai-cho, Tanabe-shi

Our pediatric clinic opened in June, 2012.
We examine all children from newborn infants to adolescents.

From central Tanabe or Kamitonda:
Please go throughTazu intersection toward Shirahama.
Turn left at the second signal, where a gas station is located, and go
up the hill.
Turn right at the first intersection. There is a dental clinic at the corner.
Our clinic is located about 120 m down, on the right-hand side.
There is a park next to our clinic.

From the bypass:
Go straight through Tazu intersection toward Shirahama.
After this, it is the same as above.